What voice type is Ariana Grande?

Ariana Grande is a soprano. She sings high notes, which is referred to as soprano.

What kind of vocal is Ariana Grande?

soprano Ariana Grande's vocal range is four octaves and a whole step, approximately D3 – B5 – E7. Is Ariana Grande a soprano? Yes, she is a Light Lyric Soprano.

What voice type is Billie Eilish?

mezzo-soprano Range. Billie Eilish's voice is roughly around the mezzo-soprano range. Using 'COPYCAT' as an example again, she does go right into the top soprano ranges very occasionally, but the song largely sits in that comfortable mezzo range during its chorus and the majority of the verses.

What voice type is Rihanna?

What's Rihanna's Voice Type? Rihanna is a powerful alto singer that has a lot of richness to her tone and power behind her chest voice. Technically, she can be considered a lyric contralto since she has a very great low range with a light head voice that can reach some great high notes as well.

Is Billie Eilish a soprano?

However, Billie Eilish's voice is unique – as a soprano, she sits above the standard female pop alto, something which gives her music an immediate dream-like quality, allowing her to create an atmospheric listening experience. …

Is Ariana Grande’s voice nasal?

Her slightly nasal and feminine tone is also polarizing. Her diction is unpolished, leaving her lyrics incomprehensible at points (see the bridge of Break Free) due to tongue tension.

What voice type is Ed Sheeran?

Originally Answered: What is the type voice of Ed Sheeran? Ed Sheeran is a low tenor, and I believe his range is G2 – A5, although the majority of his songs seem to be in the 3–5 area. It's worth noting that Ed has a fairly wide vocal range, so I feel like he can also be a high baritone.

What voice type is Taylor Swift?

soprano Taylor Swift is undoubtedly a soprano, either a light lyric soprano or a soubrette. Because her voice is not very agile nor large, and she has a relatively low tessitura for a soprano, Swift should likely be considered a soubrette.