What is the function of cartilage and bone class 9?

Bone and cartilage are two specialized forms of connective tissues which are composed of cells embedded within an extracellular matrix. Both bone and cartilage play an important role in protecting the internal organs of our body, providing structural support and surfaces for muscle attachment.14 Oct 2020

What is function of cartilage and bone?

Cartilage and bone are specialised connective tissues that provide the body with mechanical support and protection. Both tissues have some common features in that they provide a unique combination of rigid, yet plastic, living tissue.

What is the function of cartilage for Class 9?

– Cartilage is lightweight and acts as a supportive structure in the external ear. – While cartilage is present in the nose tips. – It is also present as cushion-like material and it acts as a shock absorber in many joints.

What is the functions of the cartilage?

Cartilage is a flexible connective tissue that keeps joint motion fluid by coating the surfaces of the bones in our joints and by cushioning bones against impact. It is not as rigid as bone, but is stiffer and less flexible than muscle tissue.

What is the function of bones?

What are the functions of bone? Bone provides shape and support for the body, as well as protection for some organs. Bone also serves as a storage site for minerals and provides the medium—marrow—for the development and storage of blood cells.

What is the function of cartilage and bone Brainly?

Answer Expert Verified Cartilage is a flexible connective tissue found in many parts of the body. It can bend a bit, but resists stretching. Its main function is to connect bones together.

What are the functions of bones Class 9?

Functions of bones

  • Bones provide shape to the body.
  • Bones act as a protection to internal organs like brain, heart, lungs etc..
  • Provides support to the body and anchors muscles.
  • Bones serve as storage space for minerals like calcium and phosphate.
  • Bones helps in facilitating body movements.

What is cartilage short answer?

Cartilage is a flexible connective tissue found in many parts of the body. … It can bend a bit, but resists stretching. Its main function is to connect bones together. It is also found in the joints, the rib cage, the ear, the nose, the throat and between the bones of the back.