Is drinking unsweet tea the same as drinking water?

In all essence, unsweetened tea does count as water. Tea, although mildly diuretic, help your body get hydrated, and your body absorbs the maximum water from the beverage. According to studies, drinking four to six mugs of tea a day is as good for keeping you hydrated as a litre of water.26-Nov-2020

Does drinking unsweet tea count as water?

Coffee and tea also count in your tally. Many used to believe that they were dehydrating, but that myth has been debunked. The diuretic effect does not offset hydration.

Is it OK to drink tea instead of water?

Drinking normal amounts — less than 3.5–8 cups (840–1,920 ml) of tea at once — is unlikely to have any dehydrating effects. All-in-all, tea can provide an interesting alternative to plain water in helping you reach your daily fluid requirements.

Is drinking too much unsweet tea bad for you?

Though moderate intake is healthy for most people, drinking too much could lead to negative side effects, such as anxiety, headaches, digestive issues, and disrupted sleep patterns. Most people can drink 3–4 cups (710–950 ml) of tea daily without adverse effects, but some may experience side effects at lower doses.

Does tea count for daily water intake?

The Eatwell Guide says we should drink 6 to 8 cups or glasses of fluid a day. Water, lower fat milk and sugar-free drinks, including tea and coffee, all count.

What can I drink instead of water?

8 healthy drinks besides water

  • Green tea. …
  • Mint tea. …
  • Black coffee. …
  • Fat-free milk. …
  • Soy milk or almond milk. …
  • Hot chocolate. …
  • Orange or lemon juice. …
  • Homemade smoothies.


Does drinking unsweetened tea help you lose weight?

Teas have a type of flavonoid called catechins that may boost metabolism and help your body break down fats more quickly. And the caffeine in many teas increases your energy use, causing your body to burn more calories. These two compounds probably work best together for any weight loss that may occur.

Does drinking tea help you lose weight?

Teas have a type of flavonoid called catechins that may boost metabolism and help your body break down fats more quickly. And the caffeine in many teas increases your energy use, causing your body to burn more calories. These two compounds probably work best together for any weight loss that may occur.