Does Desitin work on cold sores?

Topical zinc oxide cream (Desitin, Dr. Smith's, Triple Paste) may shorten the duration of cold sores. In a 2001 study , cold sores treated with zinc oxide went away, on average, one-and-a-half days sooner than those treated with placebo. Zinc oxide also reduced blistering, soreness, itching, and tingling.

Does diaper rash cream help cold sores?

Yes, the same thick white cream that lifeguards put on their noses and you put on a baby's diaper rash can be an effective home remedy for cold sores. Apply some every day to speed recovery and relieve the aggravation of the infection.

What ointment should I put on a cold sore?

Lifestyle and home remedies The over-the-counter cold sore ointment docosanol (Abreva) may shorten the healing time of a cold sore. At the first sign of symptoms, apply it to the affected skin as directed on the package. Use a cotton-tipped swab to put medicine on a cold sore.

What gets rid of cold sores overnight?

There are antiviral drugs that can help cold sores heal faster, including acyclovir, valacyclovir, famciclovir and penciclovir….What are the best ways to get rid of a cold sore?

  1. Cold, damp washcloth.
  2. Ice or cold compress.
  3. Petroleum jelly.
  4. Pain relievers, such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen.


Can I use Desitin on my lips?

With its smooth, easy application, this clear barrier ointment is ideal for soothing cracked, chafed skin, relieving chapped lips, protecting cuts, scrapes, and minor burns, and as a dry cuticle treatment.

Does Desitin help blisters?

These work great to keep feet and toes dryish and blister-free on wet runs. Desitin's moisture-blocking zinc oxide can also help dry out chafe wounds post-workout.

Is Vaseline good for cold sores?

A petroleum jelly such as Vaseline won't necessarily heal a cold sore, but it may ease discomfort. The jelly helps prevent cracking. It also serves as a protective barrier against outside irritants. Witch hazel is a natural astringent that may help dry out and heal cold sores, but it can sting with application.

Is a cold sore an STD?

Because cold sores are caused by the herpes virus, many people associate them with sexually transmitted viruses like genital herpes. Because of this, you might occasionally see cold sores referred to as a sexually transmitted disease. So, are cold sore herpes? Yes, most definitely.