Why is too much pine tar illegal?

But it is in the hitter's best interest to have pine tar on the barrel of the bat. The real reason it's illegal on the barrel of the bat is because the stickiness causes the bat to be in contact with the ball for just a tiny instant longer. The result is that it causes spin on the ball.

Why is too much pine tar on a bat illegal?

But why is it illegal above 18 inches from the knob? When the stickiness of the bat from the pine tar comes in contact with the ball, the result can be an extra backspin on the ball. A spinning ball may likely be foul. But it may also result in a home run.

Is pitching with pine tar illegal?

As a foreign substance, pine tar may technically be illegal. But it's a substance that's not only plentiful in baseball, but one that a lot of pitchers are already using to get a grip. And since it's a gripping agent rather than a doctoring agent, it's no wonder that nobody cares much if it is used.

What is the pine tar rule?

Under the altered rule, a player can neither be called out nor ejected for using too much pine tar. If an umpire determines, either on his own observation or upon a complaint by the opposing manager, that a bat has too much pine tar, he will have the bat removed from the game.

Why does the MLB allow pine tar?

Pine tar is a sticky substance that is produced by high carbonization of pine wood. It is used to help hitters get a better grip on the bat. In the MLB, wood bats are all that is allowed and the pine tar is used to provide a better grip for the hitter.

Why do MLB players smell their bats?

Players smelling the bat are sniffing for the scent of burning wood. With the caveat that I was never capable of hitting a fastball in the high 90's, and therefore, have never done it, I'll relate why. Anyone using cutting tools on wood knows that done incorrectly it can cause wood burn.

Is pine tar toxic?

Carcinogenicity. A more serious problem than toxicity is the potential carcinogenicity of tars, including pine tar, which has often raised safety issues over its use in therapeutic treatments.

How do MLB pitchers cheat?

Sunscreen mixed with rosin, Spider Tack, home-made concoctions — the various types of “sticky stuff” are lathered on balls all around the sport of baseball to help pitchers get a grip on an otherwise naturally slippery ball.