Which of the following risk factors have been consistently linked with SIDS?

What is the most significant factor for SIDS?

A number of risk factors have been identified that increase the likelihood of SIDS: Stomach sleeping – This is probably the most significant risk factor, and sleeping on the stomach is associated with a higher incidence of SIDS.

What are 3 risk factors the mother may contribute to an increase risk of SIDS?

According to the literature review, the possible risk factors that contribute to the incidence of SIDS are demographic, relevant to the pregnancy and the birth, the sleep environment, genetic, infective and cardiovascular.

What is the risk of SIDS?

Most SIDS deaths happen in babies between 1 and 4 months old, and cases rise during cold weather. Babies might have a higher risk of SIDS if: their mother smoked, drank, or used drugs during pregnancy and after birth. their mother had poor prenatal care.

What are protective factors for SIDS?

Certain risk factors have been identified during the pregnancy. To prevent possible risk factors, maintain a healthy pregnancy by getting early and consistent prenatal care, staying within the overall weight gain goals, and stop smoking, drinking alcohol or using “street" drugs.

What could be one factor in the sleeping environment that may increase the risk of a sleeping accident?

Babies' sleep environments can increase their risk of SUDI including SIDS and fatal sleeping accidents. The sleep environment includes how and where babies are put to sleep and other things happening around babies. These other things might include overheating and being exposed to tobacco smoke.

What is triple risk model?

A triple risk model for the sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) as described by Filiano and Kinney involves the intersection of three risks: (1) a vulnerable infant, (2) a critical developmental period in homeostatic control, and (3) an exogenous stressor(s).

What are 5 risk factors for SIDS?

Risk factors

  • Sex. Boys are slightly more likely to die of SIDS .
  • Age. Infants are most vulnerable between the second and fourth months of life.
  • Race. For reasons that aren't well-understood, nonwhite infants are more likely to develop SIDS .
  • Family history. …
  • Secondhand smoke. …
  • Being premature.

May 20, 2020