What are 3 advantages of extended family?

1. Increased support: An extended family can provide more emotional, financial, and practical support than a nuclear family.
2. Shared values and traditions: Extended family members can share similar values and traditions, which can help to reinforce a sense of identity and belonging.
3. Positive role models: Older members of the extended family can act as positive role models for younger members, teaching them important life lessons.

What are the advantages of extended family system?

The extended family system offers several advantages. It provides an extended support network for individuals in times of need. It can also provide more economic and social stability for families, as the extended family can help provide financial support and emotional support. Additionally, extended family systems can help increase the sense of belonging, as individuals are surrounded by a large network of relatives and friends. Finally, extended family systems can help ensure the preservation of traditional values and customs, as they are passed down from generation to generation.

What are advantages and disadvantages of extended family?

Advantages of having an extended family include having a larger support system, increased access to resources, and increased social support. Extended family members can also offer advice and help with childcare and other responsibilities. Disadvantages of having an extended family include potential conflict between family members, and difficulty in establishing boundaries and expectations. Additionally, extended family members may not always be able to provide the same level of support as immediate family members, and can create additional stress in certain situations.