What are 10 healthy habits?

What are the 20 healthy habits?

20 Simple Health Habits

  • Drink a gallon of water every day. …
  • Walk for 30 minutes every day. …
  • Do 25-50 lunges daily. …
  • Do 50 heel raises.
  • Do 25 sit ups.
  • Eat one piece of fruit. …
  • Make sure your plate consists of equal proportions of protein, a source of minerals and vitamins (vegetables), and carbs.

What are the 8 Healthy Habits?

The 8 Habits of Healthy Living

  • Stop smoking. …
  • Lose weight (if you're overweight). …
  • Exercise. …
  • Drink only in moderation. …
  • Cut out red & processed meats. …
  • Eat fruits & veggies. …
  • Reduce salt, and saturated/trans fats. …
  • Reduce stress.

What are the 5 healthy habits?

These 5 habits are:

  • eating a healthy diet.
  • getting regular exercise.
  • not smoking.
  • staying at a healthy weight.
  • limiting alcohol.

May 10, 2018

What are 15 good habits?

15 Good Habits for Kids Every Parents must Teach

  • Maintain Healthy Food Habits. …
  • Stay Hygienic. …
  • Get Enough Sleep Time. …
  • Develop Healthy Exercise Routines. …
  • Be Courteous to Everyone. …
  • Be Responsible When Handling Money. …
  • Develop Habits like Reading. …
  • Avoid Littering Public Places.

Jun 10, 2019

What are the 7 healthy habits?

Seven Habits of a Healthy Person

  • Hydrate. Water is absolutely essential for a healthy life. …
  • Move. Consistent exercise is key. …
  • Eat lean protein. When it comes to eating meat, the fewer the legs, the better. …
  • Eat natural foods. …
  • Sleep. …
  • Find an outlet. …
  • Have a purpose.

What are four healthy habits?

The researchers identified four healthy habits that influenced participants' mortality risks over the study period:

  • Exercising;
  • Eating a Mediterranean diet;
  • Maintaining a normal weight; and.
  • Abstaining from smoking.

Jun 4, 2013

What are the 7 Habits for a healthy mind and body?

Daily Physicality: Exercise for at least 20 minutes most days of the week. Intellectual Curiosity: Spend some time in focused thought, exploring new ideas every day. Foster Creativity: Challenge your mind to connect unrelated ideas in new and useful ways.