Is it OK to switch prenatal vitamins while pregnant?

If it turns out you aren't a big fan of the brand of prenatal you chose, you can always switch! We recommend talking with your healthcare provider before making the switch, but the most important thing is that you consistently receive the recommended amount of vitamins and minerals.May 13, 2020

Can changing prenatal vitamins cause miscarriage?

As for prenatal vitamins overall, data do not show a direct link between taking them and lowering miscarriage risk.

Can too much prenatal vitamins hurt the baby?

An overdose of vitamins A, D, E, or K can cause serious or life-threatening side effects and can also harm your unborn baby. Certain minerals contained in a prenatal multivitamin may also cause serious overdose symptoms or harm to the baby if you take too much.

Is it bad to switch brands of prenatal vitamins?

Taking it upon yourself to switch prenatal vitamins could lead to serious problems. … Unless your doctor is involved in the decision, switching vitamins could be unhealthy for you and deadly for your baby.

Can you take 2 different prenatal vitamins?

Avoid taking several different supplements, but rather take one multivitamin that includes a variety of required nutrients in one dose. Combining supplements (such as taking a folic acid supplement along with your multivitamin) can be unsafe because you run the risk of overdosing on a particular nutrient.

How important are prenatal vitamins in second trimester?

Because a baby's body doubles in length in the second trimester, it is especially important for an expecting mother to meet her daily vitamin D requirements during this time. Otherwise, nutrients are taken away from the mother and preferentially partitioned to the baby.

Is it bad if I miss one day of prenatal vitamins?

Missing a day or two of your prenatal shouldn't leave you severely lacking in any vitamins, but it might get you out of the habit of taking your prenatal daily. That means missing one day could lead to missing two, three, four, and so on.

Can switching prenatal vitamins cause diarrhea?

On top of that, because the iron in prenatal vitamins also can cause constipation, some of them contain a stool softener — which obviously can lead to diarrhea. If you're taking prenatal vitamins and they're causing diarrhea, let your health-care provider know. You may need to switch brands.