Is alpha-lipoic acid a vasodilator?

Lipoic acid improved NO-mediated vasodilation in diabetic patients, but not in controls. NO-mediated vasodilation was improved by ascorbic acid at 10 mM, but not 1 mM.Jul 1, 2001

Does alpha-lipoic acid increase nitric oxide levels?

ALA increases nitric oxide-mediated vasodilation (blood vessel widening) and promotes anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic (blood clot-reducing) pathways.

Does alpha-lipoic acid help circulation?

Because of its antioxidant properties1 and its ability to improve blood-vessel circulation to the nerves,2 ALA has received significant attention as a possible treatment for diabetic peripheral neuropathy, and it has been used in Germany for decades as a treatment for this painful and dangerous complication.

Can alpha-lipoic acid raise blood pressure?

High blood pressure. Research shows that taking 600 mg of alpha-lipoic acid daily with medication does not decrease blood pressure compared to medication alone.

Does alpha-lipoic acid affect the heart?

According to some research , ALA, because it is a potent antioxidant, may help reduce oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is one of the primary causes of heart disease. A review of several randomized controlled trials also found that ALA could lower levels of “bad” cholesterol, another risk factor for heart disease.

Is alpha-lipoic acid good for erectile dysfunction?

Conclusions: Transdermal testosterone and alpha-lipoic acid have a tangible beneficial effect on erectile dysfunction and on metabolic disorders in T2DM patients and can be used to treat such patients.

What does alpha-lipoic acid do for men?

Alpha-lipoic acid has strong antioxidant properties, which may reduce inflammation and skin aging, promote healthy nerve function, lower heart disease risk factors, and slow the progression of memory loss disorders.

Can you use vitamin C and alpha-lipoic acid together?

No interactions were found between alpha-lipoic acid and Vitamin C. This does not necessarily mean no interactions exist. Always consult your healthcare provider.