How many MTP are performed in a year?

Intentional or voluntary termination of pregnancy before full term is called medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) or induced abortion. Nearly 45 to 50 million MTPs are performed in a year all over the world which accounts to 1/5th of the total number of conceived pregnancies in a year.

What is significance of MTP?

(i) It helps in getting rid of unwanted pregnancies and such pregnancies which may be harmful or even fatal either to the mother or to the foetus or both, ADVERTISEMENTS: (ii) MTP plays a significant role in decreasing the human population.

What is misuse MTP?

MTP is the process of induced abortion where the pregnancy is terminated before the completion of the full term. Many couples use this method to forcefully abort their female foetus, leading to increased female foeticide.

In which year the government of India Legalised the MTP with some strict conditions?

1971 The Government of India legalised MTP or induced abortion in 1971 with some strict conditions to avoid its misuse.

What are the various steps opted by government and non government Organisation to create awareness among the people about reproduction related aspects?

The government and non-governmental agencies use various audio-visual and print media to create awareness among the people about reproduction related aspects. The government has also been creating infrastructural facilities, professional expertise and material support to bring improvement in this area.

What is MTP 12th?

MTPs are used to get rid of unwanted pregnancies and the pregnancies which could be harmful or fatal to the mother or to the foetusor both. … MTPs are safe upto 12 weeks i.e. the first trimester or pregnency. Government of India legalized MTP in 1971.

What is the difference between abortion and MTP?

Medical termination of pregnancy is a lengthy process, compared to surgical abortion. It depends from person to person and on the age of pregnancy that what time it will be needed for the recovery of the patient. The patient can experience heavy bleeding for a week, depending on the number of weeks of the pregnancy.

How is MTP performed?

The option of abortion by surgery presents in the early as well as in the later stages of the pregnancy. Surgical methods of abortion, usually involve a suction evacuation or a dilatation and curettage (D & C), also known as a dilatation and evacuation.