Does having your esophagus stretched hurt?

Little discomfort or pain. Effective at relieving esophageal stricture. Side effects are usually minimal (such as a sore throat) One procedure is usually all that's needed.Aug 31, 2017

How long does it take to recover from esophageal dilation?

Following your dilation, you'll spend anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours recovering before you can go home. Avoid all solid foods for at least two to four hours after your procedure—ingesting liquids, only.

What happens after esophagus stretching?

What Can I Expect after Esophageal Dilation? After the dilation is done, you will probably be observed for a short period of time and then allowed to return to your normal activities. You may resume drinking when the anesthetic no longer causes numbness to your throat, unless your doctor instructs you otherwise.

Why would a doctor stretch your esophagus?

Doctors stretch the esophagus in order to ease symptoms, such as trouble swallowing or discomfort. Keep in mind that the effects of this procedure can wear off over time. Your doctor can let you know other ways to help maintain a more open esophagus, so that you don't experience symptoms again.

Is it safe to have your esophagus stretched?

While esophageal dilation is generally a safe procedure, there are some risks that you should be aware of. Even though the risks sound scary, esophageal dilation, in general, is safe to perform in an outpatient setting and does not need to be performed in a hospital.

What causes esophagus to narrow?

The most common cause of an esophageal stricture is long-standing gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), where stomach acid backs up from the stomach into the esophagus and causes esophageal inflammation, which can lead to scarring and narrowing over time.

What are the symptoms of needing your esophagus stretched?

Typical symptoms include:

  • difficult or painful swallowing.
  • unintended weight loss.
  • regurgitation of food or liquids.
  • sensation of something stuck in the chest after you eat.
  • frequent burping or hiccups.
  • heartburn.

Dec 15, 2017

How long will my throat hurt after esophageal dilation?

Endoscopy is safe. While no test is 100% accurate, and infrequently an EGD can miss abnormalities, rare complications can occur. Your throat may feel sore for a day after dilation but usually improves within 24 hours.