Can too many supplements be harmful?

Usually the body simply excretes the unneeded nutrients. But excess vitamins can trigger diarrhea, dizziness and vomiting. And new research suggests that taking more dietary supplements than needed may actually increase your risk of developing cancer and heart disease.Mar 30, 2017

Can taking too many supplements be harmful?

Although vitamin supplements are safely consumed by many people on a daily basis, it's possible to take too high of a dose, which can result in adverse side effects. Overdosing on certain vitamins can lead to serious complications and, in rare circumstances, even death.

How many supplements are too many?

"Most people think it's fine to take as much as they want," says Rosenbloom. "I know people who take 10,000 mg a day." However, the upper tolerable limit is 2,000 mg a day. "People at risk for kidney stones can increase that risk; people also can get diarrhea.

What happens if you take a lot of supplements?

But routinely getting an overload of vitamins and minerals can hurt you. Too much vitamin C or zinc could cause nausea, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. Too much selenium could lead to hair loss, gastrointestinal upset, fatigue, and mild nerve damage.

Is it bad to take supplements everyday?

There actually can be too much of a good thing, and anything in excess — whether vitamins, supplements or food — can cause serious problems. In terms of vitamins, some are fat-soluble, meaning they are stored in the liver, and you don't need them every day, while others are water-soluble, and need to be replenished.

Can I take 5 different vitamins at once?

You can—but it's probably not a good idea. For some supplements, optimal absorption can depend on the time of day taken. Not only that—taking certain vitamins, minerals, or other supplements together can also reduce absorption and may result in adverse interactions, which can be harmful to your health.

What are the worst vitamins to take?

The Top Five Vitamins You Should Not Take

  • Vitamin C. Perhaps the most popular single vitamin supplement, vitamin C occurs in plentiful amounts in many fresh fruits and vegetables. …
  • Vitamin A and beta carotene. …
  • Vitamin E. …
  • Vitamin B6. …
  • Multi-vitamins.

Oct 7, 2013

What supplements Cannot be taken together?

Don't use calcium, zinc, or magnesium supplements at the same time. Also, these three minerals are easier on your tummy when you take them with food, so if your doctor recommends them, have them at different meals or snacks.