Are dolphins evil?

Dolphins are not typically considered evil, but they can exhibit aggressive behavior towards humans and other animals, especially when they are threatened or feel cornered. Dolphins have also been known to attack humans in cases where they were provoked or felt threatened.

Are dolphins nice or mean?

Dolphins are generally seen as friendly and curious animals. They are known to interact with humans in a positive way, and research has shown that dolphins can form strong social bonds with humans. In addition, dolphins have been known to display altruistic behavior and protect other species from predators. While there are documented cases of dolphins attacking humans, they are rare and likely the result of a misunderstanding or fear.

Do dolphins have a dark side?

Dolphins are highly intelligent animals and are generally considered to be friendly and playful, though they can be aggressive when provoked. They are also known to be highly social and will form strong bonds with other dolphins. However, dolphins can also display dark behavior such as attacking other animals, stealing food from fishermen, and even killing their own calves. Therefore, dolphins do have a dark side, but their overall behavior is generally considered to be friendly and positive.